Monday, November 24, 2014

Exactly Where I Belong

Hi, hi, hi!!!!

As everyone reading this knows (because the two of you that do read this are friends) and if there is a new third reader... well SWEET... I am divorced. I am moved to a new place. I am starting over.

Enough I's.. better than N's I guess (story for another day)... But really its we, because I brought my kids and pets.

So here we are in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Its gorgeous here. The people are amazing. The cost of living is much better. I'm working an awesome blue collar job, meeting amazing folks, trying to get a slightly different shade of collar work, getting back to school (next semester woot), taking care of my family while we all adjust.

The adjusting is a lot. It is best described as a hybrid of Two Broke Girls (I'm Kat), don't really need to work on defining that because seriously. Big Bang Theory (I'm Penny wtf). And Northern Exposure because the community here... yeah thats a thing. An amazing thing.

But moving to the midwest offers some cultural differences I am embracing. Jello Salad anyone?!?! No really its a thing, we'll talk more about it later.

This video? Well this video is something I was presented with last night after work at a friends. When I saw the title it brought out this strong guttural response in me.


Because when I was still on the East coast someone from my ex's family informed me I was "exactly where you belong". It was the last hate filled conversation I participated in with this individual. They spoke their piece and then I decided I didn't have to deal with that anymore.

Now I have peace.

While being told that I was watching my kids lose their things, their home, their lives as they knew it. And it hurt, it *hurt* so, so much. But I put them and the pets in the vehicle and drove, and drove to a new start. New place.

Exactly where we belong.

And John Oliver knows it too.

Bring it JP.

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